Off Grid Systems

The Second Generation of Solar Power is Here

Have you ever heard the expression “as useful as a chocolate fireguard” or “as useful as a concrete parachute”?

Another of these is “as useful as a solar-powered torch”. But the premise on which this third expression is based, that something solar-powered only works if the sun is out, doesn’t actually ring true, as it is now possible to run your home or business on solar energy even after the sun has set.

You just need SunBat®, a system that stores any solar power that you don’t use right away. SunBat®integrates neatly into any PV system, new or retrofit, and is available for both single and three-phase connections.

There are several benefits for those who install this brand new technology:

  • It makes you even more independent from the National Grid, reducing your bills substantially.
  • You can use eco-friendly electricity at the times of day when you need it the most
    – for most people, this is in the morning and evening when they are at home.
  • Your electricity stays on during a power cut – for hours, typically.

The introduction of SunBat® is a huge step forward for solar power in the UK. The first generation of solar customers in this country sought to take advantage of the Government’s feed-in tariffs, but the second generation is less dependent on them.

The cost savings made possible by SunBat®, together with the significant drop in the cost of solar PV and the steady rise in the cost of grid electricity, has made solar energy an attractive proposition in its own right.

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